
The Final Touch: Adding Custom Roman Shades to your Nursery

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – when it comes to nurseries, this ain’t my first rodeo. I learned a lot after Hart was born – about what worked, what didn’t work, and what was DEFINITELY missing from his nursery. The (lack of) proper blackout shades topped the list. So you best believe when it came time to put together Smith’s nursery, I wasn’t making THAT same mistake again. But – with how many different blackout shades and drapes there are on the market, narrowing down a selection can be overwhelming to say the least. Custom or ready-made? Roman or standard? Inside mount vs outside mount? If you’re curious how I came to the decision to put custom roman shades in Smith’s nursery, or have been researching shades on your own, I’m sharing all of my tips and information on my selection process below!

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Don’t let the word “Custom” scare you off – you don’t need to spend your Saturday sitting in a home improvement store only to wait weeks before your windows are measured and your shades are actually ordered! In the glorious day of today’s internet-powered world, ordering custom shades can be done while you watch Netflix and sip a glass of wine. Companies like Alva offer a comprehensive online ordering experience that walks you through the process step-by-step and offers helpful measuring tips, information on materials and more. True, custom shades cost more than ready-made ones – but you get what you pay for! Custom shades are a wonderful option if:

  • Your windows are odd sizes. If you (like me!) have multiple, oddly-sized windows, buying off-the-rack might not even be an option. Precise measurements are key for black-out windows.
  • You have very specific needs and style in mind. Going custom gives you alllllll the options you might not be able to find available in ready-made shades, from materials to black out liners, sizes, pleats and more.

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What’s all the fuss over Roman shades, anyway? Unlike standard shades or blinds, they stack up evenly and are visually smooth when all the way open. This makes for a very tailored, clean and styled look. There are so many different types of Roman Shades – relaxed, pleated, flat – you’re sure to find a type to fit your style. But why choose Roman Shades in the first place? Roman Shades are right for you if:

  • You don’t have room for a stack-back (the part of a curtain drape that moves to the side when they are open)
  • Your windows are high or hard to reach
  • You’re concerned about your children’s safety and want a cordless or continuous loop option

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Something to keep in mind when it comes to selecting window treatments is – will you want them mounted inside or outside your window frame? I didn’t spend my 2nd trimester painstakingly painting trim black to cover it up with drapes! Before ordering anything, I first had to make sure my windows were deep enough to accommodate inside-mounted roman shades by measuring from the edge of the frame to the glass. Then I double-checked the requirements of the shades I was choosing from using the AskAlva™ easy measurement guide. If your windows and shades meet the requirement of an inside-mount, I’d highly recommend this look in rooms that are:

  • Short on space. Mounting your shades on the inside won’t take up precious wall space and will keep a clean line of vision.
  • Completed with interesting trim work. Why hide it? Inside mounts allow your beautiful trim and window moulding to shine.

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I think more often than not, people have a tendency to want their window treatments to sort of disappear, or they don’t put much thought into them at all. But in a nursery, the drapes are drawn most of the time. I knew that whatever I chose had a huge opportunity to add to the aesthetic and ambience of the space – I didn’t want to select something that would fade into the background. I’m completely in love with the shades we ended up selecting for Smith’s room. The black and white print adds the perfect playful touch and the quality of the blackout material we selected is amazing – this room gets DARK, let me tell you! All of the details on our shades are below:

  • Flat Roman Shades
  • Cambria 100% Cotton Material in Noir
  • Blackout lining blocks 99% of light with moderate sound insulation
  • Inside mount with continuous loop cord

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Whether custom or ready-made, and regardless of what style or type of shade you choose, making sure you get eyeballs on your sample before pulling the trigger is essential. Colors always look different online and sometimes you just need to see the material in real life before you KNOW. I loved working with Alva because the sample selection process was so seamless – plus free! I easily ordered my sample swatches online and was able to touch and see them in Smith’s space less than a week later. You can order your swatches online today to get your custom window treatment process started. Plus, add code CRAVENHAVEN to your order for 15% Off All Products – No minimums! Expires Sept. 30th.

This post was made possible by Alva,  but all reviews and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. 


About Mackenzie

An ex-marketer with an eye for design, Mackenzie started Craven Haven in late 2018 as a way to share her passion for all things interiors. 

Mixing high end and budget-friendly pieces, professional installations and easy DIYs, Craven Haven inspires an attainable home that feels designer.

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