
ORC Week 6: Nursery Reveal

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It’s been a wild 6 weeks filled with painting, wallpapering, decorating, and more painting. Because of the timing of this project (and the unfortunate timing of our master bathroom renovation being pushed back!) we were living in the room while I was turning it from guest room to a nursery for our brand new baby boy – Smith Richard Craven – due to make his arrival this Labor Day Weekend. We definitely hit our share of road bumps but with a feature wall behind the crib, an ombre reading nook, crisp contrasted paint with black trim and carefully curated accessories, this nursery turned out beyond my wildest dreams! I can’t wait to bring Smith home to his special new room (but really – I can wait. Because the thought of 2 baby boys under 2 exhausts me more than the thought of another ORC right now!) Browse on for more pictures of the space, sources, and some of the main lessons I learned throughout the past 6 weeks.

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Before I started designing anything, I took inventory of items I knew I had on hand to reuse from Hart’s nursery: A gold crib (baby Smith will start in the Snoo but we will move the gold crib in for good when Hart is 2 and he is 6 months old!), leftover paint from our bathroom remodel, a cognac leather rocker and a walnut dresser. Then after I came up with the design, I looked again and found even MORE things that would work: a half a set of woven nook pillows, white crib and changing table sheets, and gold baskets. This left the list of items to buy and DIY very short. Switching up the hardware on the dresser gave it a whole new look, and pairing the items from Hart’s nursery with more bold and natural elements gave them new life. No one would think to call this a “hand-me-down” nursery – but it definitely is!

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Things are bound to go wrong in ANY project, let alone a project on a tight 6-week timeline. When you’re designing and implementing things so quickly, sometimes they just aren’t going to work. And that’s OKAY! For example, you may have noticed that this nursery lacks an ESSENTIAL: curtains / shades! I wanted a WAY bigger mirror above the dresser, but went with the smaller (lighter) one instead due to mounting issues. I ordered white blackout drapes and gold rods… but after the woodwork was painted black and the ombre and the accent wall were in place… I was uncertain if this was really what I wanted for the space. I thought maybe a simple bamboo shade hung in the windows or a modern white roman shade would work better? I still don’t know. But I’ll definitely figure it out before Smith makes his entrance so he has a nice, dark space to sleep (and start sleep training!)

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The comparison game is real. There’s inspiration and viral pictures everywhere you look – it’s too easy to mimic what you’re seeing around you in YOUR designs because you know it will get the likes. But as a designer, it is important to take risks. To set trends – not follow them. To bring the dreams in your head to life in a room! Do I think everyone would want a rust, blue, black & white zebra themed nursery, complete with ombre reading nook? Nope. But when you stop designing for everyone else, and start designing for YOU, something magical happens. The spaces you create are more special, more unique – and have more integrity than if you copy and paste the same minimal, white-walled space you see 1000x on the internet. I’m pretty freaking happy with my little bro’s new room!

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I’ve listed all resources for this room below – if you don’t see something, it is probably no longer available (trouble with hand-me-downs!) but I did try to link similar items where possible. Reach out if you have any questions at all!



Lighting & Accessories

DIY Materials / Paint

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A huge thank you to the wonderful sponsors that helped me out with this project! Common Ground Rug Co, Art to Frames, BT Design Co and The Lifestyled Home! Couldn’t have done it without them. 


About Mackenzie

An ex-marketer with an eye for design, Mackenzie started Craven Haven in late 2018 as a way to share her passion for all things interiors. 

Mixing high end and budget-friendly pieces, professional installations and easy DIYs, Craven Haven inspires an attainable home that feels designer.

My Home Sources

Everything in our current and past homes, all in one place.

6 responses to “ORC Week 6: Nursery Reveal”

  1. Awesome choices on the wallpaper and orange paint color. This is space is just wonderful. Congrats on a great finish.

  2. I hope little Smith loves this room as much as I do! It’s so special with just the right amount of quirkiness to put such a smile on my face. Congratulations on this awesome room and your soon to be little one!

  3. That light is stunning! Loving the layered rugs. And the crib is a dream, I didn’t know gold cribs were a thing. Loving the black painted trim and definitely think a white roman or bamboo shade will look great in the window.

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